Love takes center stage in this uproarious classic French comedy by 18th century playwright Pierre Carlet de Marivaux. A clever princess is smitten at first sight – but to win her prince, she must woo him in disguise. Mistaken identities, hilarious complications and deeply felt desire collide head on with Rationalist Philosophy – and surprising romantic entanglements ensue! Artistic Director Loretta Greco stages Stephen Wadsworth’s magnificent adaptation which inspired a passion for Marivaux in America anew.
Written by Marivaux
Translated by Stephen Wadsworth
Directed by Loretta Greco
The Huntington Theatre
264 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115
Love takes center stage in this uproarious classic French comedy by 18th century playwright Pierre Carlet de Marivaux. A clever princess is smitten at first sight – but to win her prince, she must woo him in disguise. Mistaken identities, hilarious complications and deeply felt desire collide head on with Rationalist Philosophy – and surprising romantic entanglements ensue! Artistic Director Loretta Greco stages Stephen Wadsworth’s magnificent adaptation which inspired a passion for Marivaux in America anew.
Written by Marivaux
Translated by Stephen Wadsworth
Directed by Loretta Greco
The Huntington Theatre
264 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115
Opening Night: 3/12 at 7 pm
Open Captions: 3/25 at 7 pm
ASL: Friday, 3/28 at 7:30 pm
Audio Described: 4/5 at 2 pm
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