The Huntington Winter New Play Intensive
Readings of Aunt Jo and Draupadi are at the Calderwood Pavilion, 527 Tremont Street and the Open Rehearsal With Lenelle Moïse is performing at the The Maso Studio, Huntington Theatre, 264 Huntington Avenue
The Winter New Play Intensive is a new work development series where writers, theatre makers, and other performance artists convene and collaborate on new projects. Readings and open rehearsals are open to the public and take place in December 10 -19th at the Deane Hall in the Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA (527 Tremont St) and the Maso Studio at the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). Tickets to the New Play Intensive are free, but RSVP’s are required!
The Winter New Play Intensive is a new work development series where writers, theatre makers, and other performance artists convene and collaborate on new projects. Readings and open rehearsals are open to the public and take place in December 10 -19th at the Deane Hall in the Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA (527 Tremont St) and the Maso Studio at the Huntington Theatre (264 Huntington Ave). Tickets to the New Play Intensive are free, but RSVP’s are required!
The Readings Of Aunt Jo And Draupadi Will Perform At The Calderwood Pavilion
Calderwood Pavilion/BCA, 527 Tremont St
The Calderwood Pavilion contains the Wimberly Theatre, the Roberts Studio Theatre, the Carol G. Deane Hall, and the Nicholas Martin Hall. You should navigate to the Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA if you are seeing a show in any of those aforementioned spaces.
Directions and parking for the Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA
The Open Rehearsal With Lenelle Moïse Will Perform At The Huntington Theatre
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